Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome

    • Quiz 1: CBP Overview

    • What is Bitcoin?

    • Quiz 2: What is Bitcoin?

    • Course Glossary & Icon Guide

  2. 2
    • Functions and Properties of Money

    • Centralized Ledgers

    • Quiz 3: History of Money Part 1

    • The Bitcoin Whitepaper

    • The Bitcoin Whitepaper Explained

    • Notable Events in Bitcoin's History

    • Bitcoin History Timeline

    • Quiz 4: History of Money Part 2

  3. 3
    • Centralized vs Decentralized Ledgers

    • Altcoins

    • Types of Exchanges

    • Quiz 5: The Digital Economy

  4. 4
    • Cryptography Terminology and Icons

    • What is Cryptography?

    • Symmetric v Asymmetric Cryptography

    • Quiz 6: Basic Cryptography Part 1

    • Hash Functions

    • Digital Signatures

    • Quiz 7: Cryptography Basics Part 2

  5. 5
    • Bitcoin and Blockchain

    • Addresses and Keys

    • Transactions and UTXOs

    • Quiz 8: Bitcoin Basics Part 1

    • Fees

    • Consensus and BIPs

    • Bitcoin Basics Quick Facts

    • Forks

    • Quiz 9: Bitcoin Basics Part 2

  6. 6
    • Types of Clients

    • What is a Wallet?

    • Types of Wallets

    • Quiz 10: Wallets and Clients

    • Deterministic Wallets

    • Import, Export, Backup, and Recovery

    • Passphrases

    • Blockchain Explorers

    • Quiz 11: Key Management

  7. 7
    • What is Mining?

    • Difficulty and Proof-of-Work

    • Quiz 12: Mining, Difficulty, and Proof-of-Work

    • Mining Pools and Hardware

    • 51% Attacks

    • Quiz 13: Mining Pools, Hardware, and Attacks

  8. 8
    • Using Bitcoin

    • Payment Processors

    • Merchants

    • Exchanges

    • Quiz 14: Bitcoin Commerce

    • Paying for the Exam

  9. 9
    • Congratulations on Completing the Course!